• 5 Nov 2014

The boom in technology has changed our lives in many ways. One of the changes is that there has been a significant increase in the number of video and voice recordings that turn up in many cases involving police officers and suspected wrongdoers. A new recording of two officers is forcing the APD to try to mend fences with the public once again. The recording reveals much about the attitude of the two toward sexual offenses, and about their view of the citizens they’re sworn to protect.

Here’s what happened. A video, which apparently came from the dash cam of a nearby patrol car, caught the two cops discussing their responses, and possible non-responses, to reports of crimes. Probably the most damaging of the statements comes when one the other to look at a girl passing by. The other says that if the girl calls the cops, they “can’t unrape you.” The comments are followed by laughter.

Not surprisingly, many folks upset and angry over the behavior of the officers. And the APD, which has admitted the video was legitimate, says it is launching an investigation about the incident.

We’re concerned, of course, about the stated attitudes of these two individuals about victims of sex crimes. But there’s something else in the video that is also disconcerting. First, there is a statement to the effect that the officers may choose to ignore street crime. Second, and perhaps more problematic, is a statement by one of the men, discussing a theoretical robbery report. Specifically, he says that the person reporting the crime “probably deserved it.” The reason this aspect of the conversation is so important, we believe, is because it demonstrates not only a cavalier attitude about the police performing their duties, but also an attitude that the victims themselves are responsible for the crimes perpetrated against them.

We’ll have to see how this investigation turns out. In the meantime, the APD has issued a statement, an apology of sorts, indicating that the attitude and the comments set forth in the video are inconsistent with values of the Department.

Law Office of David D. White, PLLC
1201 Rio Grande Street #200
Austin, TX 78701
(512) 369-3737

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Austin, TX 78701
(512) 369-3737
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